


The study of the fundamental laws of nature, including the properties of energy, matter, and their interactions. The core goal of physicists is to construct unified theories that will correctly predict all phenomenon in the universe. The Physicist will be an expert in the mathematical relations describing these forces of nature. He will be especially familiar with the subjects of classical mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, relativity, and quantum mechanics. He is likely to specialize in one of the many fields of research within physics, such as acoustics, fluids, optics, lasers, cryogenics, superconductivity, condensed matter, solid-state physics, atomic and molecular physics, nuclear physics, plasmas, spectroscopy, elementary particles, superstring and hyperspace theory, guage theory, gravitation, and high energy physics. The theories constructed by physicists are successfully applied in a number of other scientific disciplines, including chemistry, biology, astronomy, geology, and engineering. 

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