Seminar on Career Counseling in Peshawar

Looking for a Career Counselor in Peshawar

Book your appointment for online Career Counseling Session with Pakistan's Best Career Counselor Mr. Yousuf Alms. Discuss your Career, education, admission related all concerns. Call Now at 0333-5766716

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A memorable Career Counseling seminar was held in the Institute of Education & Research Peshawar on 03-01-2009 at Intermediate Level for the selected students of Peshawar.

Eduvision arranged a very important career counseling seminar regarding the selection of the right career for FA/FSc students. In this seminar, more than 200 Students of Intermediate level participated. The top career counselor of Pakistan, Mr. Yousuf Almas inspired the students to choose the right career which best suits their aptitude, skills, and abilities. Sir explained the career counseling steps to the students and told them how to choose the best career according to their interests. Sir told the students about various career options and their entry routes. An hour’s time was dedicated to the questions of the student in which Sir answered their concerns regarding career selection.

Feedback of the participants was very highly encouraging. The audience also demanded that such Career counseling seminars should be organized more frequently in their areas so that they can get maximum guidance from the senior-most career counselor of Pakistan Sir Yousuf Almas.