Seminar on Career Counseling in Peshawar

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Eduvision organized a Career planning seminar for the students of intermediate and bachelor levels on 02-03-2012 at Forward girls college E-2 Hayatabad Peshawar.

This seminar was organized to guide the young students about the career counseling process and the career options available for them. Around 200 students from well-reputed Colleges of Peshawar participated in this exclusive seminar. The chief guest for the seminar was Pakistan’s best career counselor and educationist Sir Yousuf Almas who explained the steps of the career planning process to the students. He talked about the choice of careers and fields of studies available (Introduction, Scope, Nature of work, etc… ) and suitable careers for different steams i.e. Pre-medical, Pre-engineering, ICS, ICOM, and FA.

The career counseling seminar ended with a question and answers session and the distribution of career planning guides among the students.

The participants gave truly amazing feedback and regarded the seminar as one of the best sessions they had attended and a once in a lifetime experience.