Career in Materials Engineering
Materials engineering is the design, discovery and preparation of new useful materials used for the production of other machinery such as computer chips, aircraft wings, car doors etc…
Materials engineering is definitely the most demanding and important field of engineering as all other engineers depend upon materials engineers for the development of efficient and required material for their product. It involves the study of the properties and structures of metals, ceramics, plastics, composites, nanoparticles (extremely small substances), and other substances in order to create new materials that meet certain mechanical, electrical, and chemical requirements.
In Material Science and Engineering you can learn that how materials are extracted, how materials are used, how materials can change and how it put together with other material to get a new material. This is very interesting and vast field deals with those industries where metals and alloys are used.
The emerging and vast expanding field of nanotechnology is a branch of material science and engineering.
What do Materials Engineers Do?
- Create new materials of desired properties
- Test various materials to assess their resistant towards heat, corrosion ,chemical reaction and electricity.
- Find out the most effective combination of materials for a desired property.
- Work with materials like ceramics, gems, chemicals, radioactive elements, bullet and bomb proof materials, materials for energy storage e.g fuel cells, amalgams, glass, industrial minerals, latest magnetic material, metals, plastics, light weight metal alloys for vehicles, polymers, rubber, optical fiber and textiles.
- Discover methods to reduce the impacts of materials on environment and find out their alternatives
Job Market of Materials Engineering
- Aerospace Industry
- Ceramics Industry
- Automobile Industries
- Rubber Industry
- Solar Energy Related Industries
- Bio-medical Material Industry
- Agricultural Equipment Manufacturing Industry
- Plastic Industry
- Electronic Industry
- Glass Factories
- Defense
- Textile Industry
- Nano Materials
- Academia & Research Labs
- Steel & Alloy Manufacturing Mills
Scope of Materials Engineering in Pakistan
Scope of Materials Engineering is good in Pakistan. Job opportunities are available in many areas. More and more opportunities are being created especially with the advent of nanotechnology.
There are so many job opportunities are prevailing in Pakistan in different fields in which a graduate of material science and engineering can easily get employment at different positions with handsome salary.
Related Fields
Materials engineering is a combination of Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering. It has many related fields that you can join to enter into materials industry such as
- Chemical Engineering
- Metallurgical Engineering
- Minerals Engineering
- Solid state physics,
- Chemistry,
- Mechanical engineering
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