Gender Studies

Gender studies is a field of education that deals with the knowledge of gender, along with array of institutional, cultural, political, economic and other societal lens. It is an interdisciplinary field where you can study complexities of gender as it intersects with various aspects of society. Gender studies examines how gender identities and roles are constructed across different cultures and historical contexts.

While gender studies encompass different aspects of gender and their societal implications, one major area of focus remains gender inequality and the status of women in society.

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Nature of Work

Many people confuse gender studies, limiting it to the new discourses regarding gender. However, that will not necessarily define your career in gender studies. As a gender studies graduate, you will be working in environments where you will be talking about issues of any gender as you like. You can always choose to advocate and work for the genders that are not religiously or socially objectionable in your society.

As a student of gender studies, know that it is highly crucial for you to have a good grasp on research. In most of the jobs that you will be doing in your future, you will be using verbal and written communication over an array of platforms. Moreover, your research in gender studies will be a decisive factor in your career growth.

For example, you will be using your research and communication skills to talk about problems faced by women in multicultural societies, political representation of men and women, and general gender roles, and their evolution.

What is the Scope of Gender Studies?

Gender studies is a comparatively new field. Many students question about its scope. The scope of gender studies is as wide as you can make it!

In Pakistan, gender studies is not yet a very common course. However, this does not limit its scope in the country. As an interdisciplinary field, gender studies will be combining various fields of social sciences into one course. How you can use gender studies will depend upon your area of interest. Majorly gender studies produce activists in different shapes. You could be a teacher, an influencer, a lawyer, a rights activist and much more according to how you chose to utilize your knowledge.

Academically, gender studies is becoming an important subject across the world. This is because of its growing relevance with development studies. In the international arena, the role of gendered equality in development has significantly increased over the past few years. If you study development, policy, or a relevant social science subject at bachelors, you can really benefit from a masters in gender studies. This will help you develop a more intellectually sound foundation as you step into the professional realms.

In Pakistan, debates regarding the rights of women, transgenders, and intersex communities are on the rise. Students of gender studies are directly linked to such issues. If you are planning to pursue gender studies in Pakistan, you must develop a grip on the ideological, religious, societal, political, and cultural foundations of such issues. Gender studies students will be at the forefront of such issues.

Salary in Gender Studies in Pakistan

On an average, gender studies graduates are earning between PKR 70, 000 and 150, 000. Your salary can vary according to your job type and organization. For example, if you are working with the UN, you can expect to be earning more than PKR 200,000 according to your position, experience, and qualifications.  

Job Market for Gender Studies

Job opportunities in gender studies typically depend upon how you decide to use your knowledge and skills. Let’s dig deeper into some of the ways you can do that:

Working with NGOs

One of the best options for gender studies students is advocating for social change through NGOs. Different NGOs working on pressing problems like women empowerment and child abuse can provide you with opportunities of promising careers.

International Organizations

As a gender studies specialist you can find multiple job opportunities in international organizations. One of the most promising amongst these is the UN. Another renowned NGO in this regard is also Amnesty International.

You can join different programs related to equality, gender-based violence, or women empowerment. You could be managing projects or programs, or working in public speaking positions in such organizations.


If you want to become a professor in gender studies, you must consider two major things,

  • You should narrow down gender studies to a specific area of research.
  • You should ensure that you pursue masters and PhD studies, along with authoring significant research in your field.

Coupled with your other unique experiences, these two things well help you pave your way towards a smooth career in research and academia. You could become an author, a lecturer, or both!


If you have the spirit of standing up against injustices, and protecting human rights, journalism may be a good fit for you. As gender studies professional you can work for the rights of marginalized communities and genders in your own country and the world.

Policy Research Institutes

Policy making can allow you to come up with solutions against problems faced by different genders. You can work with governmental bodies or policy think tanks, to become a part of solutions for the problems faced by distinct genders of your society.

Gender studies is a renowned field in development sector. In developing countries like Pakistan, professionals of Gender studies have great room for career success. This is because activism to lift the downtrodden segments of the society is on the rise. How you establish a successful career in gender studies depends upon your aptitude, personality, and creativity.

Tips for Gender Studies Students

Gender studies students should,

  • Understand cultural, societal, and religious implications of gender studies in different societies
  • Stay updated with the recent trends in the development sector
  • Keep an eye on the work of multiple NGOs and international organizations
  • Research on the latest issues and problems being faced by different genders in different places across the world
  • Have sound and adequate knowledge of the sustainable development goals
  • Have sound knowledge of human rights and their gendered implications

Gender Studies Education in Pakistan

 In Pakistan, degree programs are being offered in Gender Studies at Bachelor and Masters level. You can start working even after a bachelor degree but an additional masters will help you broaden your knowledge and help you in career growth. However, it is recommended to work for a few years before starting your masters.

Some of the good universities offering Bachelors in Gender Studies are:

1.             Quaid e Azam University, Islamabad

2.             University of Home Economics, Lahore

3.             Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi

4.             Bahauddin Zakriya University, Multan

5.             University of the Punjab, Lahore

For complete list of universities offering Bachelors in Gender Studies, click here.

For complete list of universities offering Masters in Gender Studies, click here.

Should I Take Gender Studies?

You can pursue gender studies at bachelors or masters level. But before you make such a decision you should beware of the intellectual challenges this course may put you through. Gender studies can be challenging because it can make you question societal structures and social norms around you.

It requires one to be open to new perspectives, highly critical of the world around them, and have a deep sense of social justice. Gender studies require you to question every aspect of your identity, your society, and the world around you and answer the questions raised by others. Make sure that you are ready for this!

Remember that a career in gender studies can only be a good option for you if it matches with your aptitude and skills. To excel in this field, you should have deeply ingrained values of empathy, and social justice. A strong skill set in communication is also essential for gender studies.

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