Freshwater Biology and Fishries



Fisheries, as the name suggests is an organized effort which is related to the capturing of fish including inland and sea or other aquatic species. This industry involves catching, processing, marketing and conservation of fish. Fisheries Science is an academic discipline of managing and understanding fisheries. This is a multidisciplinary subject that includes the biological study of life, habits and breeding of various species of fish. It also involves farming and husbandry of important fishes and aquatic organisms in fresh water, brackish water and any marine environment. Freshwater biology and marine biology or freshwater biology are closely aligned areas with considerable overlap

Nature of Work

Freshwater Biologists 

  • Investigate the ecology of marine organisms in the context of the physical, chemical, and geological characteristics of the ocean environment in which they live.
  • Are primarily interested in their physiology, behavior, feeding biology, biochemistry, or reproduction.
  • Grow fish and shellfish as cash crops or for release into freshwater or saltwater.
  • Supervise and train aquaculture and fish hatchery support workers.
  • Conduct and supervise stock examinations in order to identify diseases or parasites.
  • Devise and participate in activities to improve fish hatching and growth rates, and to prevent disease in hatcheries.
  • Monitor environments to ensure maintenance of optimum conditions for aquatic life.
  • Direct and monitor trapping and spawning of fish, egg incubation, and fry rearing.
  • Coordinate the selection and maintenance of brood stock.
  • Direct and monitor the transfer of mature fish to lakes, ponds, streams, or commercial tanks.
  • Fisheries Officers protect and preserve fish stocks for present and future generations and detect and prevent fisheries offences.



Admission Requirements




MS/ M.Phill (if BS/M.Sc.)


2 Years

2 Years

4 Years

2 Years

3-5 Years

  • FSc. Pre-medical
  • Equivalence if other than FSc (A’Level etc...)
  • Entry Test for BS

Qualities Required

Job Opportunities

  • Critical thinking and independent investigation
  • Observation and data collection
  • Communicating Skills
  • Working for extended periods of time
  • Conservation Authorities
  • Zoos, Aquariums
  • Government Departments
  • Museums
  • Medicine and Health Organizations
  • Research Institutions
  • Testing Laboratories
  • Pharmaceutical Companies
  • Universities and Colleges



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