

What is Biochemistry

Biochemistry is the chemistry of biological processes. It deals with the biological processes involving chemical reactions such as growth, metabolism, reproduction, heredity, etc. Biochemistry includes the sciences of molecular biology; immunochemistry; neurochemistry; and bioinorganic, bioorganic, and biophysical chemistry. It is a practical laboratory science that applies the molecular approaches of chemistry to a vast variety of biological systems. Biochemistry helps us in understanding biology at a molecular level and offers a variety of techniques that are critical for conducting biomedical and agricultural research. Biochemistry has made significant contributions towards finding and understanding the DNA structure.

What do Biochemists do?

Usually, Biochemists operate in laboratories. If work is related to food quality assurance, they visit food outlets, eateries, and factories. Agro-chemists are closely related to farms and frequent field visits are necessary.


  • Work at all levels and with all types of biological organisms.
  • Study the chemistry of living processes, such as cell development, breathing and digestion, and living energy changes such as growth, aging, and death.
  • Develop new methods to study the mechanisms of biological processes.
  • Study the chemical components and processes of living systems plants, insects, viruses, microorganisms, and mammals to explain how and why chemical reactions occur.
  • Aim at understanding how individual cells operate and collaborate to form complex organisms.
  • Work with all sorts of organisms ranging from viruses and bacteria to plants and man.
  • work in modern research laboratories.
  • Develop and execute tests to detect diseases, genetic disorders, or other abnormalities.
  • Study the mutations in organisms that lead to cancer and other diseases.
  • Develop and test new drugs and medications intended for commercial distribution.
  • Often they team up with specialists from other fields because their research is tied to many other disciplines. 
  • Those in biochemical research may be involved in the investigation and understanding of immunological mechanisms, protein sequencing, rule of metabolism in plants and animals, haemoglobin, and composition and function of membranes.
  • In food science, biochemists research ways to develop plentiful and inexpensive supplies of nutritious foods, determine the chemical composition of foods, and develop methods to extract nutrients from waste products.
  • In agriculture, biochemists study the interaction of herbicides with plants. Responsibilities vary widely among the job titles listed above.

Scope of biochemistry in Pakistan

There is no question that the field of biochemistry has a large and growing market in Pakistan. You can effectively operate in both the public and private sectors, for example, in a public or private hospital. Biochemistry is used in a variety of areas related to biology, such as the food industry, farming industry, pharmaceutical industry, botany, and so on. They collaborate closely with specialists in these areas. This is a field where you can quickly make a rewarding career.

Biochemistry Related Degree Programs

Following degree programs are closely related to Biochemistry

Job Opportunities for Biochemists 

  • Provincial and Federal government Departments
  • Biochemical industries 
  • Hospitals
  • Agricultural firms
  • Food production companies 
  • research institutes,
  • Education and associated areas.
  • Pharmaceutical industries where genetically engineered drugs are developed and manufactured also look forward to employing biochemists.
  • Research-related agricultural industries and institutions also employ biochemists.

 Qualities Required

  • Inquisitive attitude
  • Determination
  • Perseverance, persistence and stamina to work for long hours and
  • Inductive Reasoning (The ability to combine pieces of information to form general rules or conclusions)
  • Deductive Reasoning (The ability to apply general rules to specific problems to produce answers that make sense)
  • Creative and Inventive
  • curiosity about the living world
  • Keen observation sense along with intelligence and hard work.
  • Analytical thinking


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