

There is no denying to the fact that the invention of television has been a revolution in mass media field. Prior to television, the mass media field was dominated by the print media but the scenario has turned upside down in the contemporary context. The television career has been very vibrant from the initial period and even today the career in television industry is very commendable.

How to make a television career?

Education system has also been changed by the involvement of the digital factor introduced by the television. The Bachelor’s degree in digital media field serves as the gate pass for entering the job domain of the television career. From the technical jobs to the management related jobs, all the different types of jobs are available in the television career.

Qualification, Courses, Training:

Communication skill is the biggest tool to establish the rapport with the audiences and if the audiences get involved in the subject under consideration then there is no stopping.


There are various excellent institutions in Pakistan. They help the students to gain theoretical and practical experience in this field, to find a institution please visit Programme Finder on



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