Media Director

Media Director

The media director is the person who is responsible for all activities in the media related firm. The fact that the media field is one of the most volatile fields and the direction of any firm in such a volatile field is very difficult makes the job of media director very demanding.

How to become a media director?

The Bachelor’s degree in the field of mass media is the first step. The next step is the Master’s degree in media management for becoming the media director. The job of a media director requires the person to portray many roles at a simultaneous point. From handling the staff and creating a pleasant working atmosphere in the media firm to making the loop holes in the media firm eliminate from the site, every job is made accomplished at the consent of the media director. The media director needs to manipulate and maneuver the resources and then try to extract the best feasible results.

Qualification, Courses, Training:

Besides being an efficient manager of the resources, the media director should also be an efficient communicator so that the thoughts which are conceived by the media director are transferred to the staff without any substantial loss of conception. Experience of at least 8-10 years in the media field is necessary for becoming the media director of any firm.


There are various excellent institutions in Pakistan. They help the students to gain theoretical and practical experience in this field, to find a institution please visit Programme Finder on



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