This multi-discipline science is the study of the brain and how it regulates behavior. The neuroscientist studies the anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry of the nervous system at both the microscopic and macroscopic levels. He is knowledgeable on how the nervous systems creates the vicissitudes of psychological experience and behavior, as well as clinical disorders. He is an expert on the functioning of neurons and synapses, neurobiological systems, medical devices for observing the functioning of the brain, and the results of studies of brain-damaged patients. He is also familiar with AI studies in neural networks and related methodologies that attempt to model the low level functioning of the brain. Because of the cross-discipline nature of this science, the Neuroscientist is familiar with related topics in chemistry, biology, physiology, psychology, pathology, and anthropology. In the future the neuroscientist will study the uploading of the brain into a computer system.
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