Dental Hygiene
Most dental diseases are preventable. This indicates that the main concept of dentistry could be changed to a situation in which the dental hygienist becomes the principal oral care professional. The competencies of dental hygienists focus on disease prevention and oral health promotion; thus referral to a dentist would only become necessary in the event of a failure in the preventive program where disease cannot be controlled. Dental hygienists are uniquely qualified and specially trained to work with the dentist, focusing on periodontal health by monitoring oral hygiene practices and assisting the patient to develop a home care plan to maintain their oral health. Hygienist is specially trained to carry out scaling and polishing and is also expert at teaching patients how to look after their teeth and gums. The focus on prevention and health promotion makes the dental hygienist a very important person in the dental team of the future Dental hygienists are a valuable asset in a dental practice. In addition to Performing technical duties, they play an important role in teaching patients appropriate oral hygiene techniques and counseling them regarding good nutrition and its impact on the oral health. Due to their education and clinical training in a highly skilled discipline, dental hygienists are respected as valued members of the dental health team. Ttest results and develop a treatment plan. They administer drugs to patients to aid in the treatment of vision problems. They care for patients before and after surgeries such as laser vision correction and cataract removal.
Career Opportunities
There are many employment opportunities in the field of dental hygiene, since many dentists employ one or more dental hygienists.
- Dental hygienists are in demand in general dental practices, as well as in specialty practices such as periodontics or pediatric dentistry.
- Dental hygienists may also be employed to provide dental hygiene services for patients in hospitals, nursing homes and public health clinics.
- Depending upon the level of education and experience achieved, dental hygienists can also apply their skills and knowledge to other career activities such as teaching dental hygiene students in dental schools and dental hygiene education programs.
- Research, office management and business administration are other career
- options.
Additionally, employment opportunities may be available with companies that market dental-related materials and equipment.
Dental Hygienist
اختراعی ،تعلیمی اور علاجی طریقہ کار اختیار کرتے ہوئے انفرادی اور اجتماعی طورپر دانتوں کی صحت وصفائی اور بیماریوں سے بچاؤ کے لئے کام کرتے ہیں۔
ذمہ داریاں اور کرنے کے کام
Dental Hygienistیادانتوں کی صفائی کاخیال رکھنے والے حضرات کی ذمہ داریاں مندرجہ ذیل ہیں۔
*بچوں اور بڑوں میں دانتوں کی عمومی صحت وصفائی ،پلاک کنٹرول اور غذائی ضروریات کے متعلق شعور بیدار کرنا۔
*Root Debridement،سکیلنگ اور پالش کے ذریعے دانتوں پر جمے ہوئے مود اور دھبوں کو صاف کرنا۔
*دانتوں اور مسوڑھوں کی مختلف بیماریوں کو جاننا اور ان سے بچاؤ کے طریقے دریافت کرکے ان پر عمل کرنا۔
*خراب دانتوں کی بحالی کے لئے فلورائیڈ اور پالش کی درست اقسام کاانتخاب کرنا۔
*دانتوں کی سفیدی کے لئے پروفیشنل وائٹننگ ایجنٹ کااستعمال کرنا۔
*Rubber dam fissure sealantsکااستعمال۔
*ماؤتھ گارڈ ،مصنوعی جبڑے تیار کرنے کے لئے مریضوں کے منہ کاسائز اور عکس دینا۔
*ٹیڑھے دانتوں کو سیدھ میں لانے کے لئے درست تاروں (Braces)کاانتخاب اور ان کو منہ کے اندر نصب کرنا اور اتارنا۔
ذاتی خصوصیات
ہاتھ اور آنکھ کے کام میں ہم آہنگی پائی جاتی ہو۔
*بہت تفصیلی اور ستھرا کام کرنے کاعادی ہو۔
*باہمی بات چیت اور مسائل حل کرنے کی صلاحیت رکھتاہو۔
*ہیلتھ کیئر سسٹم اور ٹیم کے ساتھ کام کرنے میں دلچسپی رکھتاہو۔
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